Market Education

December 18, 2023

About the HEG issuances

The Credit Guarantee and Investment Facility (“CGIF”), a trust fund of the Asian Development Bank (“CGIF”) is pleased to announce its support for the guaranteed THB 1,300 million 3-year unsubordinated...

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October 2, 2023

About the SNC issuance

The Credit Guarantee and Investment Facility (“CGIF”) is pleased to announce its support for SNC Former Public Company Limited’s (“SNC”) 5-year THB 1 billion Guaranteed Bond issued on 27 January...

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About the Erajaya Issuance

The Credit Guarantee and Investment Facility (“CGIF”), a trust fund of the Asian Development Bank (“ADB”), is pleased to announce its guarantee for Erajaya Digital Pte. Ltd.’s (“Erajaya Digital” or...

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About the Apeiron Bioenergy Issuance

The Credit Guarantee and Investment Facility, a trust fund of the Asian Development Bank (“CGIF”) is pleased to announce its support for the guaranteed SGD 50 million 5-year senior unsecured...

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September 25, 2023

About the CEG T2 Issuance

The Credit Guarantee and Investment Facility (“CGIF”) has guaranteed China Education Group Holdings Limited’s (“CEG”) second 3-year CNH500.0 million offshore renminbi bond. The first CNH500.0 million dim sum bond was...

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June 30, 2023

CGIF Forum 2023 Bond Market Development

Credit Guarantee and Investment Facility (CGIF) together with Public Debt Management Office and The Thai Bond Market Association held an event entitled “CGIF Forum 2023: Bond Market Development” last 29th of...

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April 28, 2022

Bond Monoline Insurance and Learning Experience from CGIF

CGIF was invited by Thai BMA to speak in its webinar entitled "Monoline Insurance and Learning Experience from CGIF" that was held last 28 April 2022. In the said event,...

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April 7, 2022

About the First REIT issuance

Credit Guarantee and Investment Facility, a trust fund of the Asian Development Bank (“CGIF”) has guaranteed First Real Estate Investment Trust’s (“First REIT's”) 5-year SGD100.0 million Social Bond. This is...

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March 22, 2022

About the CEG issuance

Credit Guarantee and Investment Facility, a trust fund of the Asian Development Bank (“CGIF”) is pleased to announce its support for China Education Group Holdings Limited’s (“CEG's”) first bond issuance...

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March 8, 2022

CGIF’s Environmental and Safeguards Process

In this video, we discuss CGIF's environmental and social safeguards ("ESS") process and how it is conducted, what transpires during the due diligence stage, and the environmental and social management...

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