Market Education

June 17, 2024

About the THG Issuance

Credit Guarantee and Investment Facility, a trust fund of the Asian Development Bank (“CGIF”) has guaranteed the three- and five-year bonds amounting to THB700 million and THB1,000 million, respectively, by...

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March 11, 2024

About the Daewoo Issuance

The Credit Guarantee and Investment Facility, a trust fund of the Asian Development Bank (“CGIF”), proudly announces its guarantee of the SGD 150 million 5-year Senior Unsecured Bonds issued by...

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February 19, 2024

About the Hektar REIT Issuance

Credit Guarantee and Investment Facility, a trust fund of the Asian Development Bank (“CGIF”) has guaranteed Hektar Real Estate Investment Trust’s (“Hektar REIT”) five-year MYR215.0 million Medium-Term Note (the “Guaranteed...

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CGIF’s activities in the Philippines

Jerome Ferreria, senior investment specialist at the Credit Guarantee & Investment Facility explains his firm's activities in the Philippines. Ferreria was speaking at an event organized by The Asset Events.

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18th Asia Bond Markets Summit – Investing in the new normal: Highlights

On November 10, 2023 in Singapore, The Asset Events held the 18th Asia Bond Market Summit to a packed audience filled with fixed income professionals interested to learn about market...

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January 21, 2024

About the Tecomen Issuance

Credit Guarantee and Investment Facility (“CGIF”), a trust fund of the Asian Development Bank (“ADB”) has guaranteed Tecomen Holding Joint Stock Company’s (“Tecomen” or “Issuer”) debut bond issuance, a five-year...

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About the Telcotech 2 Issuance

The Credit Guarantee and Investment Facility (“CGIF”), a trust fund of the Asian Development Bank (“ADB”), is delighted to announce its support to a KHR 82,080 million 5-year floating-rate guaranteed...

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December 31, 2023

About the ADCP Issuance

The Credit Guarantee and Investment Facility, a trust fund of the Asian Development Bank (“CGIF”) is pleased to announce its support for the guaranteed IDR499.9 billion bond (“Bond”) issued by...

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About the Phenikaa Issuance

The Credit Guarantee and Investment Facility (“CGIF”), a trust fund of the Asian Development Bank (“CGIF”) is pleased to announce its support for an aggregated guaranteed VND 900 billion 7-year...

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About the CIA FIRST Issuance

Credit Guarantee and Investment Facility (“CGIF”), a trust fund of the Asian Development Bank (“ADB”) has guaranteed CIA FIRST International School Co. Ltd.’s (“CIA FIRST”) debut corporate bond issuance, a...

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